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API reference

This page will contain the javascript API reference for the annotation tool.

Annotation class

The annotation class is the main class of the annotation tool.

new Annotation(Element, Options);


Element: String | HTMLElement

The selector of a <div> or the HTMLElement itself.

Options: Object

An object containing the options for the annotation tool.

const options = {
width: '100%',
height: '100vh',
pdf: '', // or blob object
language: 'en', // 'en' | 'de' | 'da'
accessToken: 'documenta-tion-toke-n935-27ee26170781'
filename: 'custom-filename', // optional, if not present the filename will be extracted from the URL
mode: 'edit' // or 'view' | 'edit-wo-video',
showHeader: true, // or false
skipWelcome: false, // or true
translations: {
"en": {
"welcome_modal.title": "Ahoi!",
// ...
"fr": {
"welcome_modal.title": "Bonjour",
"welcome_modal.text": "Ici, vous pouvez annoter des documents et faire un enregistrement d'écran.",
// ...

width: String

The width of the annotation tool.

height: String

The height of the annotation tool.

pdf: String or Blob

This option should containe a publicly accessible URL to a document in one of the supported format. We also support documents in a Blob object, if you want to avoid public URLs

The document to annotate. Supported formats:

  • .pdf
  • .doc
  • .xls
  • .ppt
  • .docx
  • .xlsx
  • .pptx
  • .ppsx
  • .jpg
  • .png
  • .tiff

The document is passed through our servers to convert it to a PDF. In case of using URLs, like this, we also avoid CORS issues.


Blob support is available since version 2.2.0

language: String

The language of the annotation tool. Supported languages:

  • da (Danish)
  • en (English)
  • de (German)
accessToken: String

The token that gives you permission to upload the document and video.

filename: String

This is a custom filename that will be used when uploading the document and video. If not present, the filename will be extracted from the URL.


When using a Blob object, the filename cannot be extracted, so we recommend to set this option manually.

mode: String

The mode of the annotation tool. Supported modes:

  • view: The user can only view the document and annotations.
  • edit: The user can view and edit the document and annotations.
  • edit-wo-video: The user can view and edit the document and annotations, but the video recording is disabled.
showHeader: Boolean

Show or hide the header of the annotation tool.

skipWelcome: Boolean (after v3.0.0)

Skips the welcome modal

translations: Object

Allows you to override the default translations or implement a new language.

"da": {
"welcome_modal.title": "Velkommen",
"welcome_modal.text": "Her kan du kommentere i dokumenter og lave en skærmoptagelse.",
"welcome_modal.button": "Okay",
"permission_modal.title": "Du skal give adgang",
"permission_modal.text": "Du skal give adgang til dit kamara og skærm for at optage.",
"permission_modal.button_permission": "Giv adgang",
"permission_modal.button_camera": "Kamera",
"permission_modal.button_screencamera": "Skærm + Kamera",
"permission_modal.button_audio": "Lyd",
"permission_modal.button_no_permission": "Fortsæt uden video",
"permission_modal.no_browser_support_title": "Ingen browser support",
"permission_modal.no_browser_support_text": "Din browser understøtter ikke skærmoptagelse. Dette kan skyldes flere ting, såsom manglende sikkerhed, gamle browsere eller at mobiltelefoner ikke er understøttet.",
"uploading_modal.title": "Uploader...",
"success_modal.title": " Hurra!",
"success_modal.text": "Dine filer er blevet sendt.",
"error_modal.title": "Hov. Der er sket en fejl.",
"error_modal.text": "Pokkers. Filerne kunne ikke sendes. Prøv igen eller download dine filer.",
"error_modal.button_download_video": "Download video",
"error_modal.button_download_pdf": "Download PDF",
"error_modal.button_retry": "Prøv igen",
"navbar.button_done": "Upload",
"navbar.uploading_text": "Uploader...",
"navbar.button_cancel": "Fortryd",
"navbar.helper_text_not_ready": "Lav en optagelse eller rediger dokumentet",
"navbar.helper_text_ready": "Klar til at uploade",
"access_token_unvalid": "Dette er en prøve version og må udelukkende bruges til test og demonstration!"

// since v3.0.0
"Audio Player": "Lydafspiller",
"Video Player": "Videoafspiller",
"Play": "Afspil",
"Pause": "Pause",
"Replay": "Genafspil",
"Current Time": "Aktuel tid",
"Duration": "Varighed",
"Remaining Time": "Resterende tid",
"Stream Type": "Stream Type",
"Loaded": "Indlæst",
"Progress": "Fremskridt",
"Progress Bar": "Fremskridtslinje",
"progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} af {2}",
"Fullscreen": "Fuldskærm",
"Non-Fullscreen": "Afslut fuldskærm",
"Mute": "Lydløs",
"Unmute": "Slå lyd til",
"Playback Rate": "Afspilningshastighed",
"Audio Track": "Lydspor",
"Volume Level": "Lydstyrkeniveau",
"Play Video": "Afspil video",
"Modal Window": "Modal vindue",
"No content": "Intet indhold",
"Download the file": "Download filen",
"An error occurred, please try again later.": "Der opstod en fejl, prøv venligst igen senere."

"permission_waiting_title": "Venter på adgang",
"permission_waiting_text": "Du skal give adgang i din browser for at kunne bruge kamera og mikrofon.",
"permission_failed_title": "Browseren har blokeret adgangen",
"permission_failed_text": "Du skal tjekke dine browser indstillinger.",
"permission_failed_guide": "Hvis du har brug for hjælp, så læs",
"permission_failed_link": "her",

"permission_device_error_title": "Enheden er optaget",
"permission_device_error_description": "Den anmodede enhed bruges af en anden applikation, eller browseren mangler OS-tilladelser",

"permission_exotic_error_title": "Exotisk fejl",
"permission_exotic_error_description": "Vis venligst dette til din it-person",
"permission_retry": "Prøve igen",

"uploading_waiting_title": "Uploading",
"uploading_error_title": "Noget gik galt!",
"uploading_error_text": "Der opstod en fejl- we are sorry! Du må prøve igen eller downloade din optagelse.",
"uploading_error_button_retry": "Prøv igen",
"uploading_error_button_download": "Download",
"uploading_success_title": "Det lykkes!",
"uploading_success_text": "Din optagelse er blevet uploadet og gemt!",

"placeholder_text": "Optageren bliver vist et andet sted",
"delete_recording_text": "Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at slette din optagelse?",
"destroy_component_text": "Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at lukke optageren?",

"microphone": "Mikrofon",
"camera": "Kamera",

"error_changing_camera" : "Fejl ved skift af kamera",
"error_changing_microphone" : "Fejl ved skift af mikrofon",
"error_no_device_selected" : "Ingen enhed valgt",
"error_no_devices_found" : "Ingen tilgængelige enheder",
"error_camera_stream_stop" : "Kamerastream stoppet",
"error_screen_stream_stop" : "Skærmstreaming stoppet",
"error_audio_stream_stop" : "Lydstream stoppet"
"fr": {
"welcome_modal.title": "Bonjour",
"welcome_modal.text": "Ici, vous pouvez annoter des documents et faire un enregistrement d'écran.",
// ...


The methods avaliable on the annotation class.

Toggle fullscreen:


Upload the document and video:


Abort the upload:


Destroy the component:


Listens for events being emitted:

on(Event, Callback);

Event: String

The name of the event

Callback: Function

The function to be called when the event is emitted.


The events avaliable on the annotation class.

The annotation tool is initialized:

annotation.on('initialized', () => {

An error occured while loading the document:

annotation.on('document-error', () => {

An document has changed/has been annotated:

annotation.on('document-change', () => {

The recorder state has changed:

annotation.on('recorder-state-change', (data) => {
console.log(data); // 'inactive' | 'recording' | 'paused'

The recording is complete:

annotation.on('recording-complete', () => {

The upload is in progress:

annotation.on('upload-progress', (data) => {
console.log(data); // {total: 100, loaded: 50}

The annotation and uploading is complete:

annotation.on('complete', (data) => {

An error occured while uploading:

annotation.on('upload-error', () => {

The upload has been aborted:

annotation.on('upload-aborted', () => {