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Accessing stored media

Of course you'd like to see the videos and retrieve the annotated documents. In the next few lines we'll give you a jumpstart on how to access the documents.

If you'd like to read about accessing videos, check out the player section.


To access documents, you'll need to use our API to get a secure URL, which you can use to download or present the document inline

What you'll need

  • Your secret API key
  • document UUID - you get this reference when you create the token to upload the document

The magic POST method to get a secure url

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR API KEY>' \
--form 'file_uuid="<UUID>"'

By default the URL expires in 6 hours. If you want a shorter TTL, add this parameter:

# remember the \ at the end of previous line!
--form 'time_to_live=3600' # 3600 seconds = 1 hour, max 315360000 (10 years)

You had a request, here is your response:

"access_token": "<ACCESS TOKEN>",
"expires_at": "2022-12-12T15:44:42.037199Z",
"url": "<SECURE URL>"

Revoking access

Users can wreak havoc if they have access to a document they shouldn't. No problem, the control is yours, you can revoke access anytime. Check out the API section for more details.