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Getting started

LabraDocs is designed to be deployed easily on premise, therefore we provide a docker image which can be used to run LabraDocs.


  1. Contact our sales team to get access to the docker image.
  2. Login to the docker registry with your credentials:
docker login
  1. Run LabraDocs with the following command:
# our service runs on port 8000 in the container, if you prefer a different port, you can change the port mapping here 
docker run -p 8000:8000

Additionally you can specify the following environment variables:

  • WORKERS_COUNT=10 - our setup employs a worker system so the API can handle load; change this number in order to finetune the number of processes handling the conversion; By default we start twice the number of processes as there are CPU cores
  • TIMEOUT=120 - the timeout in seconds for the conversion process; if the conversion takes longer than this, the process is killed and an error is returned; increase the timeout in case of larger documents; the default is 120 seconds


docker run --env WORKERS_COUNT=5  --env TIMEOUT=180 -p

As the setup is complete and you are running the docker container, you can now start converting your documents. If you want to learn more about docker and how to use it, please visit the docker documentation.